Brechje Oonk

Global health advocate

“Access to medicines is a crucial aspect of the right to health, a right which belongs to everyone. How much money you have, or where you live, should not matter. At Wemos, we work towards systemic change and address root causes of inequality so that everyone has access to medicines.”

Brechje is a global health advocate at Wemos. As part of Wemos’ access to medicines team, she focuses on themes such as fair pricing, transparent pricing, and local production of medicines.

Previously, Brechje worked as an advocacy officer at Simavi, where she worked nationally and internationally to improve access to water, focusing on empowering the position of girls and women in climate-vulnerable areas. She also worked at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she was part  of the water cluster.

Brechje completed an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree from Leiden University and a master’s degree in Global Health from Maastricht University. She specialized in implementing innovations and studying the effects of unequal power relations within and between countries on health.

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