Global vaccine scarcity unnecessary if pharma shares knowledge

4/2/2021 - News

In a joint letter, 54 civil society organisations are calling upon the Dutch government to ensure that pharmaceutical companies share their knowledge of vaccine development with other companies in an existing pool of the World Health Organization (WHO). This should increase the global production and availability of Covid-19 vaccines and accelerate the end of the pandemic.

With this letter, Wemos and Oxfam Novib – the organisations behind the initiative – aim to draw attention to the solution at hand to the current vaccine shortages in Europe and other parts of the world: the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) of the WHO.

Our joint letter has been co-signed by 52 organisations, including Artsen zonder Grenzen (Médecins Sans Frontières), Cordaid, Terre des Hommes, War Child and Partos.

Read more (Dutch).

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